Is a place to share stories, songs, relax, enjoy the warmth, and simply be. It is everyone’s fire, from the elders to the children to the unborn yet to come.
We welcome all beliefs, traditions, and customs that people want to share, valuing our humanities diversity of many cultures, in an egalitarian spirit of harmony and togetherness.
We simply ask that people respect this fire, and that offerings are made, be that physical or spiritual, with respectful intent.
Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony will begin on Friday night around 8pm, after supper. David Ambrose, Lynette Mar, Kestrel and Sarah Hillary-Jones will hold space, bring song and story and group movement, and welcoming and opening the ceremonial nature of the gathering for 2024. The fire will be lit through friction methods by Andy Levy. We will be welcoming Billy and Gilly Clay, the owners of the land at Coed to assist with the lighting of the fire, with the help of the children present. Not to be missed!