Dispachio Ceremony
Join Emma for a beautiful dispachio ceremony collecting flowers, leaves, grass, seeds from the land to create personal mandalas filled with your, prayers, gratitude and intentions wrapped in brown paper and string and offered as a blessing to the fire Suitable for adults and children 6 and over.
Earth Altars & Fairy Blessings
Join Emma on a beautiful walk to the Sacred Oak Tree & Fairy Dell to give blessings & songs to honour and connect with the guardians and Fey of the land. Returning to the stone circle to create a Natural Mandala to honour the ancestors and the Coed Community. Suitable for all ages
About Emma
Emma Blake-Jones is a healer, seer, teacher & community facilitator with 15 years experience in space holding, retreats, community gatherings and spiritual development mentoring.
Emma has been running retreats and Community gatherings at Coed for over 6 years. She is passionate about connecting all back to Oneness, Divine essence and the voice of the Soul.
Through walking and honouring our sacred lands, ancient sites and springs; she calls us to the deep remembering of Awen, our Soul songs, the ancestors and native wisdoms to heal our roots, plant seeds of Unity for future generations and find the Sacred in Ourselves.